Tech notes in Thailand
Before I forget these details, I'll record them here. So far, I've only wanted to power up my laptop once. When I did, I could see two wifi links, but neither was open (despite the hotel claiming to have wifi). No matter -- internet cafes have been great, with good throughput (typical 100-200 kbps outbound, and plenty fast inbound). In Taipei airport, the cafe was free (and in a great location with a view of the runway). In Chaing Mai city, the typical rate was 20 baht per hour (about 60 us cents). In Chaing Mai airport, it was free in the Thai Airways lounge, but here in Bangkok it's the most expensive of all, 75 baht for 15 mins.
The computers in the cafes are relatively new and appear well maintained, but I think I'll be changing my passwords every 48 hours or so; too many keyboard loggers in the wild, and I've had my fingers on too many keyboards lately.
Pretty amazing all the tech available now compared to 10 years ago. Doing this blog has required broadband, ubiquitous internet cafes, a digital camera, flash memory with a USB adaptor, and blogging software-as-a-service. Back then I'd always wished for a way to share photos and stories with friends back home as I travelled, ideally without the delays and hassles of photo developing and individual letters and postage. That way has certainly arrived. Then again, it's far from perfect; of the 6 machines I've used for internet access, two have refused to read my usb device to get my photos -- including the one I'm using now :<
Next stop: Antanarivo, Madagascar, 10 hours from now.
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