Back on the road

Travels to the Conservation International Symposium in Madagascar, June 2006

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Lemur Island

The Vakona Lodge is near the National Park, and is quite pleasant. At first it seems luxurious, but on reflection, it's not so different from the mid-range Yosemite Lodge or Asilomar State Park facilities - just fewer guests.

Across the road from the Lodge is a small lake, and in it is Lemur Island. Back in 1996, the lodge owners heard of people who had kept lemurs as pets, who wanted to return them to more natural settings. (Lemurs don't tolerate captivity well, if at all). So the lodge owners took them in and kept them on the on the island, and soon several other lemurs of different varieties were sent and the island became a sanctuary. Some lemurs mated, all thrived, and none forgot their comfort around people. So now, you can take a very short canoe ride to visit them, and they jump on your shoulder, and eat out of your hand ... Not a natural experience, but a very happy one; they are primates, and friendly, and all were rescued from bad situations.


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